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Welcome Message from Congress Chairman

Welcome Message from the Chairman of the 2nd Asian Congress on Pain

Dear colleagues and friends,

On behalf of the organising committee of the 2nd Asian Congress on Pain, I am delighted to invite you to participate in the congress in Taipei, Taiwan from 27 to 30 March 2014.

This congress aims to provide an international forum for reporting advances in pain medicine and to unite clinicians and health care givers with a common interest in treating pain.

Pain relief remains a global unmet medical need, especially in Asian countries. Global consumption of opioid analgesics for the treatment of moderate to severe pain has more than doubled over the past decade, however, that increase occurred mainly in Europe and North America. The drugs are being insufficiently used for pain treatment in many Asian countries. It calls on concerns to support pain relieving programs and to improve access to opioid medicines for pain treatment. The theme of this congress, “Relieving Pain Beyond Borders”, will call attention to the subject.

The 2nd Asian Congress on Pain will be a four-day scientific program covering nearly all areas of pain medicine such as recent advances in neuropathic pain, cancer pain, and acupuncture and traditional medicine in pain management. It will feature plenary lectures, symposia, workshops and poster presentations, as well as commercial exhibitions and various social events.

Taipei city will also provide the attractive setting for the conference. The conference venue itself is in the heart of the city. It will give you a good opportunity to experience the traditional and modern Chinese culture with relaxing and informative stay.

We look forward to seeing you in Taipei.

Professor Yu-Chuan Tsai, MD
Chairman of the Organising Committee
2nd Asian Congress on Pain