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Poster Presentation Guidelines

Instructions for the Preparation of Poster Presentation

Your Poster Number is as per the Abstract Number given in the notification email and in the Final Program book that you will receive at the Congress.

Posters will be displayed during the Poster Sessions, and must be mounted from the start of sessions and removed upon conclusion of sessions on the scheduled day.

Authors are requested to stand next to their poster boards during the Poster Sessions.

Presentation Timings

A different set of posters will be on display daily from Friday, 28 March to Saturday, 29 March. Posters are displayed as per the Poster Numbers indicated in the Final Program. Poster presenters are requested to stand by their posters during the following dates and times:

POSTER SESSION 1: 28 March, Friday, 1.30-2.00pm
Abstract number: AAFPS-0003 to AAFPS-0077

Setup time:
27 March, Thursday, 5.30-6.30pm
28 March, Friday, 7.30-8.30am

Dismantling time:
28 March, Friday, 5.00-6.00pm

POSTER SESSION 2: 29 March, Saturday, 1.30-2.00pm
Abstract number: AAFPS-0078 to AAFPS-0152

Setup time:
28 March, Friday, 7.30-8.30pm
29 March, Saturday, 7.30-8.30am

Dismantling time:
29 March, Saturday, 5.00-6.00pm
30 March, Sunday, 12.00-1.00pm

Rules and Regulations

• You should be printing and bringing your poster to the Congress.

• The dimensions of the poster should NOT exceed 90cm wide x 120cm high.

• Please prepare your poster to fit the dimensions specified. It is recommended that poster be prepared on one sheet. Alternatively, presenters may display their material on several smaller sheets.

• Allocate the top of the poster for the title and authors as stated on the submitted abstract.

• The text, illustrations, etc should be bold enough to be read from a distance of two meters.

• Double sided tape and technical equipment will be available for the mounting of posters. Staff will also be available to assist you.

• DO NOT write or paint on the poster boards. DO NOT use nails, push pins, screws, or any tools that will puncture the poster boards.

• Please refer to the Final Program book that you will receive upon arrival at the Congress for the location of the poster board assigned to you, or approach the Registration Staff for more information.

• Please use the board that displays the Poster Number assigned to you.

• Please adhere to the setup and dismantling periods that have been assigned to you.

Poster dimension